The all-new Mazda 6 – Tried and Tested
If the purpose of a business is profit, then the best kind of business to be in is eatery. I mean, what’s not to like when all your customers line up to pay you in cash while you can, in some cases choose to pay your suppliers in terms, allows …

The Mazda 3 – Add some Zoom Zoom to your life
Economies of scale and cost reduction seem to be the buzz word in today’s business world. As the world economy tethers at the brink of devastation and Armageddon approaches, car manufacturers are at the race to achieve a state of production-Zen: minimum inventory, maximum output …. which usually …

The new Mazda 6 unveiled in Japan
After spending millions of dollars and years of hard work, gazillion litres of Japanese coffee and tons of late night sushi, it looks like the folks at Mazda are all set to introduce the all new, Kodo concept Mazda 6. For motor heads like me, anticipating its release is like …

The New Mazda CX-5 – A truly “NEW” new car
Ok, I’m in sales and marketing and I admit in more than one product brochure/flyer I’ve designed and commissioned, I’ve used words like “New”, “Latest Technology”, “State of the Art”, blah blah blah. Heck, anything that involves technology nowadays would synonymously use those words tagging their products like Sexy is …